Sunday, January 27, 2008


Originally uploaded by fake fotos

And then there was Machu Picchu. The above photo was taken from Huaynapicchu, something like "young" or "little picchu". That was quite a hike, but certainly no lack of tourists making the ascent with their
hearts beating rabidly against the confines of their ribcages and the lack of oxygen.

Coudn´t keep my finger off that big button on the camera despite the three hours of fog and rain.

The park is all it´s cracked up to be and more. Vertiginous, awe inspiring, dumbfounding and jaw-dropping. Although I´d like to see
a real live Incan priest pull a still-beating heart out of a llama´s chest. You know, just to round out the experience. That´d make a neat-o beer commercial.

Speaking of beer commercials, one was being filmed here in the last couple of years and one of the camera cranes swung wildly and chipped a corner off the sundial. Oh, that thing has worked in years! It never tells the correct time. Just a little late capitalist fun in one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

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