Friday, December 7, 2007

Finally, an update... maybe.

Where to begin? How about getting robbed in Lima?
That news is so old, it isn´t even news anymore, but for
those of you out there who haven´t heard here it is:

I got robbed in Lima.

Nothing fancy, mind you, no guns, no knives, no threats.
Just his wits against my complete lack thereof.

I arrived in Lima at 6am, paid way too much for a taxi
(maybe that could be considered the first robbery...but
it was safe and who doesn`t enjoy just giving their money
away when asked nicely by people in suits?) and was
delivered to the scene of the crime: the Cruz del Sur
bus station. Ironically, this is the safest and most expensive
bus by which to travel in Peru. Long story short, I set
my bags down after a man I presumed to be a bus terminal
employee started being helpful. An easy mark I was.

Needless to say, he walked off with my new daypack, which
contained my laptop, ipod, photcopies of passport and credit
cards and various other crap. You know, small stuff.

I then spent the next three hours at the police station. Maybe
it would have been 10 minutes if I´d been mentally spry enough to
start laying down cash. Instead, I related the events to three
or four different detectives of varying degress of authority,
each one higher than the last. A rigorous warm-up for the Spanish
skills. One look at the police station and it is obvious what they are lacking:
money. They were all very nice. Maybe they would have been even nicer if...

Enough of that.

Then it was off to Ica and Huacachina.

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