Friday, December 21, 2007

Before I get behind myself...

Lima - another fixer upper for sale
Originally uploaded by fake fotos

I almost forgot about Lima. How could I forget about precious Lima?
So many good memories.

On the 7th of December I returned to Lima for a couple nights of big city fun before flying off to Iquitos.

Stayed in Miraflores at "Home Peru". Lovely place for a reasonable price. Apparently an old converted mansion (?) or perhaps just a stately manor.

Cruised up and down Avenida Arequipa. Took in a movie, La Brújula Dorada, or The Golden Compass. More like a golden turd. What a bitter disappointment. Phillip Pullman should ask to have his name pulled from the project. It was dubbed in Spanish, so that made it perhaps less disappointing as the English version has some fine actors doing voice-overs.

Like any other city of 7+ million people, Lima is borderline psychotic. Noisy and filthy, but not without its charms.

One thing antipodinal (did I just make that up?) about city life down here in South America, or at least Peru, is that the poor people live in the hills and the rich people live down in the city. Seems like every other North American city the rich are clammering to get higher and higher out of the filth of the basin. Who knows?

Did do some fine dining in Lima at La Gloria. It was glorious. Cheaper than it would have been in the States, but still not that cheap.

On Sunday morning at 3am I fled the city to see how if I could sweat out the urban toxins in Iquitos.


Pamarian said...

Whaaaaaaaat??? You didn't like Golden Compass??? We watched it yesterday and Greta and I liked it a lot. Dubbrf over wouldn't work. I read Pullman's comments about writing and the movie. I think he was OK with it. I want to read the second book now.
But your are living a true adventure fantasy my eyes you have found dust..( i think dust is your power to connect with the truth and your inner spirit. ..which then allows you to have free will and question and then you make he or she who is in power maaaad!!

Max Shue said...

Yes, I know, what´s not to like? Sorry, the books are way too heavy, some of my favorites, for such a rushed adaptation. That´s just me. I did enjoy it on some level, but overall, was disappointed.

Wow, I hope I´ve found some dust. If I were so bold, I´d declare that my goal in life; that is what the everybody needs in order to see behind the veil of the Great Satan/Authority. And I´m not talking about no Devil from the church´s perspective, rather the church/the "man" his ownself, as I think Mssr. Pullman would have it.

Thanks for reading and writing!